2001 End of Year Ministry Story

Rabiamul, Mt Hagen, 2001.

Health & drama meeting.

In a Catholic dominated area—a lot of interests, especially in the drama. The health message from Dr. Tore was also convincing and compelling. This was run by Hagen ETS.

Kimininga, Mt Hagen, 2001.

Health Meeting led by Dr. Jeff Tore, Hagen ETS.

ETS presented this seminar in a new style showing God’s light in Old Testament and how God knew better then and modern medicine only come to appreciate it now.

Konjeplam —Wabag, 2001.

1 week revival and prayer week in the jungles

ETS studied a bit of Revelation seminar, had Kibung and a bit of private reflection in the jungles—ate some jungle food, was very refreshing.

2001 End of Year Ministry Gallery

Kanudi, Moresby, NCD, 2001.

Led by Pom ETS in a new area.

Kanudi was a new area that ETS started off ministering when the few folks worshipped under trees. Now there is a huge galvanised-roofed church. Rungi Pingi was flown in from Hagen by ETS to conduct the meeting, Akule took Health workshop while studying.